I read something this weekend, in between writing something of my own, and it was so beautifully written that for a minute I considered quitting my own writing. Nothing I could create could possibly be so beautiful. It wasn’t necessarily driven by self-pity, I don’t think, it was just a surety that I am not capable of what that writer had been, that this stranger had somehow conveyed my own thoughts on a matter, articulated it in such a perfect way, as even I hadn’t been able to. 

We create because we have an intrinsic need to connect. To share a piece of ourselves, the way we view the world under the veiled protection of a character: This is how I see the world, the way I feel, my experiences, fears, dreams and hopes. Do you see it too? Do you feel what I feel?

But something is always lost between thought and words and something more between writing and reading. Imagine transferring a liquid from one container to another, then into another one from that and so on. Each time you transfer the liquid, you leave some residual behind, stuck to the container, and by the time you get to the tenth or the twentieth container, your liquid’s going to be considerably lighter. I think thoughts are similar, we always leave something behind, because it is the nature of transference. 

Which is why my writing always feels lacking to me. Incomplete. Ineffectual. Inefficient. 

On the heels of that initial thought though, another followed. This writer, who had caused such an enormous, fundamental shift in my thought, wouldn’t ever know how I felt in that moment. I could never possibly convey it. The distance between thought and words. 

And so I wonder, even though I wouldn’t ever know, if I had touched someone the same way as well. If perhaps, something I created, no matter how deficient in my own opinion, might have been exactly what someone needed to feel seen, heard and understood. Valued. 

Maybe that is why we create. To pay it forward. 

9 thoughts on “Writing

  1. “Free” , your 3 shot, has made me cry every time. Essentially i am not someone who likes to read tragic stories. The world has enough as it is and I sometimes have an escapist attitude! But “Free” , i read in one go and cried all through. It was not only beautifully written but also taught me to not take relationships for granted, to love and nurture what we have and most importantly express our feelings, happy, sad or love so that we are not left with a gaping hole in the heart and a whole lot of ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’. I so wish you would keep writing Arshi/non Arshi, anything, so i can read. Lots of love Ridz and take care!


  2. I have always enjoyed reading your stories. Do not think you are not as good as the other writer. Please keep writing.Take care.


  3. I have loved all your stories and look forward to reading more. I genuinely feel that people who have a flair for expressing are truly blessed


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